Friday, June 6

Rainy Days

Apparently, a tropical situation of some kind has been sitting on top of us, so we have had rain, rain, rain for several days. It cracks me up when people feel obligated to say, "Well, we sure need it, " but, I ask you, who really NEEDS downpours for three days, overflowing streets, and mudslides, cold wind, and lack of sunshine?
I would have to say not me.

Anyway, Monday involved the adventure of going on a long run with Nancy and Tammy and getting seriously drenched. This soaking had the added plus of making you feel like you were running with leg weights strapped to your calves, only it was just your very wet running pants.
After getting dried out, I took Jackson to the doctor for a little cold he has. Guess what?? We got stuck in the rain. Here's the picture I'd like to paint for you: Me, clutching my poor, coughing four year old to me, running through deep puddles, trying to find the right street. Eventually, we did get there, and as we sat, shivering, in the waiting room, Jackson looked at me and said, "Mommy, I need to fix your hair." I told him it was just wet, and he replied, "I really need to fix it." Wow. It's so sweet how he appreciates that I just risked pneumonia or at the least ruined shoes for him.

We got the prescriptions, etc, and headed for home, after strict orders from the doctor for Jackson and me to get a hot shower!

The next day, we had some family time. The pictures are of us at some local ruins (I'll have to find out what they're called), and of Nate the Archaelogist. We had stopped by the site the team is building on (they're starting a bath house for the police), and there, in a pile of dirt, Nate discovered this bayonet. Someone said it was an antique, and when we googled it, it showed up as a bayonet from the 1800's. How cool is that?

Oh, and it looks like we're getting more rain today. Guess we sure do need it.

1 comment:

tinybeetle said...

Congratulations Nate! Nice find.