Tuesday, July 17

We are the Body

It's amazing...the body is made up mostly of water. Without it, the body would be no more than a worthless, very small, pile of dust. Probably smelly too. Trillions of cells surge through the body at any given moment, billions are grabbing oxygen from the lungs and rushing it to the arms, billions more digest food, skin requires the work of billions more, and so on....

Interesting too is my experience this week as I contacted several dozen churches. So many different ways of doing things, so many sizes, so many phases of maturity, so many different priorities. Each hardly aware of what the other is doing, yet all directed by the same Holy Spirit to move in directions and with power that could never be duplicated or comprehended by individual parts of it.

The church in China is millions strong. Millions more are responding to the Gospel in Muslim countries. Missionary efforts are reaching millions more in other corners of the world. Even though we could never wrap our minds around the scope of the world movement of the Gospel, and certainly the daily concerns and heartaches of each individual believer, Jesus Christ can! He is the water that fills the entire body, giving it shape, flowing and encompassing every living cell in the entire body. Amazing!


Anonymous said...

What a precious family you are! It was so wonderful to see you all this month and hear more about the amazing work God is doing in and through you all! Thank you for hosting us and letting us catch up. We just love you guys and are so grateful for your friendship. We are praying for you - for ways we can support your work - and are so excited about His path for your lives. Keep us posted, and God grant you His presence, His peace, and boldness as your share His Word! Love and blessings to you, Michelle & Jason Rahm & kids

Anonymous said...

Some parts of the body can go some can send and all can pray. Thank you for listening to God and going.

As for us, may we be thankful for where we are and all the convienience and blessing we have in this country. And may we use some of the discretionary income to help send.

Post about being thankful: